So this post is a bit late. As most of you already know, Michael and I are expecting a little BOY!! It's so crazy to think that our due date is ONE MONTH from today!!! We got the nursery all put together, we just need to get the glider ordered and wait for baby!! We were just talking this morning about how "surreal" it all seems. Walking into the nursery helps make it feel more real, because it is no longer our guest room. I love looking at his little clothes, crazy how small they start out!!
Work has been busy for this mama, but will continue to slow down in the next 2 1/2 weeks. I enjoy my jobs, but I am looking forward to a break, and then spending time looking after my own child. :)
We were blessed by so many wonderful people, whether they were throwing showers for us, or attending the shower and just loving on us. It has truly been humbling, seeing how people who haven't even met Peanut yet, just want to love on him!!! Each time Michael helped load things from showers, we just stood there in awe! God has placed many wonderful people in our life. And we can't wait to introduce ALL of you to our son once he arrives!
Right now we are just trying to finalize our birth plan, pack our GO bags, and just enjoy time together. Crazy to think that in a matter of WEEKS our lives will be changed FOREVER!!! In a good way too!! We have a couple classes at the hospital this week, start our weekly midwife appointments, and then it's just time to wait!
Thanks again to those of you who have continued to love on us, and pray for Peanut, he sure does a good job reminding me that he is here, and that he is a precious gift from our Wonderful Lord!!
This may be the last post before Peanuts arrival, unless I am able to find some more free time before then!!
Thanks again for following us on this amazing journey God has chosen for Michael and I!!
Here's a sneak peak at Peanut's room!!