These last couple of months have been, well a little rocky to say the least. For the most part, we are doing pretty good, but we do have days where all I wanna do is cry, and Michael just wants to fix something!! :) We decided to have a good friend of ours come over and do a family photo session!! We had fun, and are excited to see the pictures. As much fun as we had, getting ready to create our Christmas card, which I say I am going to do every year, but it WILL happen this year, I still felt as though something, or someONE was missing from our family picture. I am so glad we have Cooper! He sure brightens the mood most days! He actually did a pretty good job during the session. When he had decided he was done, he went and got his bone and just laid down in the backyard.
God has blessed us these last few months, in placing Michael in a class for work, and granting me random Friday nights off, that we were able to meet up with some amazing brothers and sisters in Christ! God has been so good to place special people in our lives, who want to love us and fellowship with us. It's been good to be around those families, and have the interaction even with their children as well. We have recently started helping out in the Older 3 Year Old room at church, and boy do they keep us on our toes!! But we are glad to be serving together in such an amazing ministry.
I am going to start only working overnights on Fridays after October, and I couldn't be any happier!! That will give us Saturday evenings to spend time with just us or anyone else looking for something to do!
Today is the 3 year anniversary of our engagement. It's sometimes crazy to look at our relationship in TIME. Some days it feels longer, other days shorter. We had a fun morning before Michael headed into work. I do enjoy our mornings together, but I am really praying God will lead him to a new schedule.
Speaking of rough days, yesterday was one of those. I had just put in a 48 hours work weekend, and had Monday off. I had felt so alone since I was working and hadn't really seen Michael, that just about EVERYTHING yesterday made me cry. I just really needed to spend MORE time with him. So Michael did want a noble husband does, he called into work, and expressed his desire to stay home with me because I needed him here. We enjoyed our time together, running errands, he took me to a meeting and then we went out for dinner, rented a movie, and ended the day snuggling, which is my favorite :)
I am so GRATEFUL for Michael and the blessing he is to me. Praising God for another year, and another day with the KING OF MY NEVADA CASTLE :)